We're still trying to figure out the house thing. Yesterday, we looked at a 4000 sq. ft. house with enormous gardens, (a yard, to Americans) vegetable gardens, fruit trees, 3 garages, 3 outbuildings, a greenhouse, and, drumroll, please, an indoor heated swimming pool. And we could almost have afforded it, if the man hadn't upped the estimated rent 500 pounds. So, we're not going to live there. Plus, it only had 4 bedrooms, not quite large enough to share, especially since all the walls were used up by built-in cupboards, headboards, and nightstands. It was an amazing house, though. The other day, we went to a house that was an old country house, huge, had three stories, 5 bedrooms, a playroom (used to be the servants' quarters - all the way upstairs in the attic with very low ceilings with a spiral staircase to the kitchen), an enormous boot room (what we call a mud room), a laundry room, a nice kitchen with an AGA and an electric hob (oven - so you can still cook without having the AGA on during the summer), a large dining room right off the kitchen, two enormous reception areas - lounges (living rooms), and a large entryway big enough to be its own room. It also had enormous gardens, livery stables, a vegetable garden, a trampoline with safety enclosure, two little playhouses, and the views were amazing. Out front were grassy hills where the sheep graze as far as the eye can see, and out back the cows were meandering about. Lovely. The floors were all wonky (crooked, slanted). In order to keep bedframes level, different sized blocks had to be placed under each leg. It was quite the house. It was also 45 minutes from the base on TINY roads through beautiful countryside. I'm not driving my Chevy Astro van 45 minutes on TINY country roads to go grocery shopping, and I'd rather have Sean home those extra hours, rather than fighting fatigue as he drives those roads each day. So that house still sits there empty. There's another potential house 9 minutes up the road from the base, 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, playroom, dining room, lounge (living room), study, AGA kitchen, and large entry hall. There's a thinned out forest right there, with a tree with a hole in it big enough for kids to hide inside, and an absolutely ornate rose garden thing out front. There's some grass, and a large pebbled driveway. Why we aren't living there right now, I'm not sure. We were ready to go sign the papers, but we both felt uneasy. So, we didn't sign them. It's still sitting there, empty. I'm kind of hoping for a better one, I guess. What could be better than that, you ask? Well, perhaps not BETTER, but perhaps different, and in a different place. Last night I dreamed we were sitting in the Bury St. Edmunds Ward, and I know some towns in that ward that would be under 15 minutes to work, and about 20 to church. If we live down there, the kids will probably go to the English schools. And if we stay in the Thetford Ward, I'd really like to live in Hockwold cum Wilton. It's right between the kids' school and Sean's work - under 10 minutes either way, and the church is 23 minutes away. Unfortunately, there aren't currently houses for rent in those places that are ideal. So we're waiting. And while we wait, we look at the houses that might work if we were desperate enough. I apologize if I sound awful. These houses we're looking at are amazing, but as we're prayerfully considering where to go, none of these are working. So we're looking, searching, praying, and doing what we can. Soon, hopefully. Maybe our trip to the temple Saturday will give us some insight.
So anyway, that's what's going on here.
Have a happy day!
Emily :)
Friday, 22 January 2010
Reading a book is fun to do, fun to do, to do, to do
I finished the Twilight books in December, and they were alright - quite gripping, actually, but I'm not going to watch the movies. I'm sure I'll survive. There's too much in them that I don't want to see. Sorry. I'm going against the decree of Monica. I also don't think Mom would really enjoy them too much. I do think she needs to read The Work and the Glory and The Fishers of Men books. Those are great and very worthwhile reading. I just read The Hunger Games, and that was interesting. I'm glad they didn't go into much gore. I was worried about that. Interesting how the romance stuff went. Kind of left me hanging at the end, so I had to go to the library and request the second book, which they are going to send from some other AAFES library. In the meantime, I'm going to read The Book Thief. Our ward has a book club, and that's the book we'll discuss in February. January's book was Dr. Laura's The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. That was pretty good, especially the chapters on loving and respecting your husband. The rest of the information was covered better in Gary Lundt's book/CD that I showed you at Deseret Book - I can't remember the name of it now. If you ever desire to "read" it, listen to him on the CD's. WAY better. Anyway, I'm still working on Inkheart. It is much more fun to read a book than to watch the movie. However, I've already seen Inkheart, so it's not as exciting as it would be if I didn't already know the whole story. Though I do like the actors from the movie, so as I read, they fit well and make the book enjoyable. I'm also reading a Star Wars book with Justin that started when Dooku had just been chosen as a Padawan, and then goes to when he had Qui-Gon as his padawan, and now we're up to Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. It's a fun book. Reading only one chapter a night is rather slow-going, though, so perhaps this weekend we'll read more of it. Nathan checked out The Mouse and the Motorcycle, so I suppose I'll be reading that with him. He can read it himself - he was so excited when his teacher let him check out a chapter book. That doesn't happen much in Kindergarten. There are still so many in his class that still don't know the names and sounds of all the letters. In Montana, it was different - more advanced. But here, I don't know, it's like they're just happy the kids come to school, and their main goal is to make sure they all feel good about themselves. Anyway - enough of that. I think we might put our kids in the English schools. It'd be a neat experience, and make our time over here more memorable. There's a family who lived here years ago, and when we asked the kids about it, all they could say was that it rained a lot and they saw lots of castles. I want to come back with British accents, British mannerisms, and speaking the British language. You might think, as I did, that they speak English here, which they do, but it is NOT the same English that Americans speak. So, I'd like to learn the language and culture. When we are asked in the years to come about our trip to England, we will have so much more to say than - "It rained a lot and we saw lots of castles." There you go. I'm going to stop writing now. Have a happy day.
Emily :)
Emily :)
Friday, 1 January 2010
Castle Rising (4)
Castle Rising (3)
This was the church on one side of the grounds. It doesn't look like much now, though.
Here's the view of the castle from the basement of the church.
This is the front of the castle, which is a keep, and as such is not as large or fancy as an actual castle. Still pretty neat, we thought!
Castle Rising (2)
Castle Rising - New Year's Day

These are the kiddos at the top of the main stairs. In the future, I'll be sure to have the people stand in the foreground so you can actually see them, and we'll use the neat places as cool backdrops. :)
So, this is Julianna, Matthew, and Benjamin standing in the kitchen. I'm standing in the room where they stored cheese, bread, etc. The bathrooms were conveniently placed right around the corner of the kitchen - I can just imagine the lovely smells while cooking.

This is Justin standing on the other side of the second story. The floor caved in during the 16th century, and they carved tunnels through the 8 foot thick walls so we could walk around the second story. Wasn't that nice of them? Actually, people have lived in there since the floor collapsed. They just had to do without the dining room. Poor them.

This alcove was built in to emphasize the head seat of the table in the dining room. The big squares at the base of it on the left and right were where floor joists used to be.
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